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2007-09-07 - 9:45 a.m.

What is a blog? I ask this because it is a question with many answers. I read all kinds of blogs and the ones I like are the ones that are less a journal and more of a dialogue.

It is hard for me to talk about what I do on a day-to-day basis because I just can't get over how boring my life is. When I read other people's blogs that stick with diary type entries, it is hard for me to finish them. It is a self-centered problem where I am bored with my life so it is utterly impossible to find interest in the activities of others.

I rode the bus yesterday and thought of those diary entries I read where something happens when they leave their home. I was just trying to avoid eye contact with those whom I was secretly staring at.

I like to people watch.

This whole blog brings me to author Andrew Keen's book called 'The Cult of the Amateur' where the angry English author denounces, essentially, every blogger on the web.

'Artists can't make a living because everyone is stealing.'

That is a quote from Andrew Keen made to Stephen Colbert on The Colbert Report. Keen is not keen on the influx of people like me who cherry-pick news stories to fit into their stupid, blinverted little blogs.

Well, I like what I am putting in here.

Keen tried to explain what he meant but there didn't seem to be a correlation of people blogging and artists losing money.

It seems to me that real artists would not care about the money lost on the Internet as another artist tries to make a name for him or herself. In watching the interview, Keen was a very angry man. He was on a national show to promote his book so he came off as greedy. How many books did he sell with that spot on The Colbert Report?

Whatever the number is, it probably will not be enough if Keen is worried about who is stealing from him.

And that is where the greed blast, made by this guy, comes from.


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