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2007-09-27 - 11:47 a.m.

We are a Youtube nation. Miss South Carolina was the fifteen minute star then the Oklahoma State football coach was a star when he called the local rag 'garbage'. My favorite part about that one was when the reporters clapped as he left.

It made it feel like I was watching a sitcom and the coach was heading over to the neighbor's house for more hilarity.

We are an illegal drug nation. Operation Raw Deal rounded up a lot of Human Growth Hormone and anabolic steroid dealers. We never hear the names of the dealers but the names on the dealers lists are often made public. My favorite name on one of those lists was Evan Fields and when the number was dialed Evander Holyfield answered.

It made me feel like Evan was the neighbor and he had to excuse himself from the hilarity to move the hilarity to the phone.

Law enforcement here in Tucson had a big day when a call by a neighbor about a potential burglary led to a seizure of 11,000 pounds of pot. Estimated value is 5.5 million. This is what that looks like if you have it in your bank account or owe it to a credit card:


Those dealers got their names in the paper. So if you deal in pot and get caught you get fifteen minutes and if you deal HGH and get caught someone else might get a phone call while they are hanging out at home with their neighbor the football coach.

And the hilarity continues.

Mike Vick got caught smoking dope. What else was he supposed to do? The man stopped letting him play football. Then the man makes him pee in a cup and it turns up hot so the man might put him in jail faster and for longer.

Mike Vick made a lot of money and had a lot coming to him that is all gone now. His standard of living most likely matched that and without an NFL paycheck, he will never be able to earn that type of income again. I'm not cryig for Mike Vick after jail when he will be looking for work. I am pointing out another bad decision he made because he left early from Virginia Tech and more than likely did not return for his degree.

Vick's soap opera is like a Greek tragedy at this point.

I can't wait to see what happens next.


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