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2005-09-10 - 8:22 a.m.

Two Grams

He was seeing Nick�s sister at work. She was closing up for the night. Suddenly she was at her mom�s house and she was bending over in front of only him. The image was so real. It was as if he could touch the panty line on Nick�s sister�s pants. It was too bad the guy�s were all there. It was too bad Dewey just said something about her being a lesbian. The only person in Nick�s mom�s smoky living room who was not feeling tension was Ed. Nick spoke when it was obvious none of the others were going to.
That sentence just ended with a preposition.
Just the way the preposition is.

Time for you to double down Chuck.

Now Chuck knew why Nick was looking at him like that. It was all about the money on the table. He saw Grant through the water glass.

Christ, Grant�s as big as a locust.
I know.

That second voice was Dewey�s. He was surprised that Chuck used the same simile he used but I�m not. You wanna know something? I planned it that way.
It�s called a joke. The American Heritage College Dictionary defines joke like this:

joke n. 1. Something said or done to evoke laughter or amusement, esp. an amusing story with a punch line. 2. A mischievous trick; a prank. 3. An amusing or ludicrous incident or situation. 4. Informal. a. Something not to be taken seriously; a triviality. b. An object of amusement; a laughingstock. -v. joked, jok-ing, jokes. -intr. 1. To tell or play jokes; jest. 2. To speak in fun; be facetious. -tr. To make fun of; tease. [Lat. iocus. See yek-*.] -jok�ing-ly adv.

Wow, I want to apologize for all of that up there. What I would like to do is use my two grams of knowledge (the scale to measure such an intersection of knowledge and testing could be off by one gram though).
Just the way the preposition is.
I think the only way to justify that up there is to break it down meaning by meaning.
You might wanna take another break or...
Just the way the preposition is.


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