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2005-09-09 - 7:41 a.m.

C�mon guys! Let�s make this movie!

They all still watched the television screen. Dewey�s fifty dollar bill looked enormous through Nick�s water glass.
President Grant was as big as a locust.
Dewey grabbed the remote. He pushed the off button and an image of a sitcom during primetime called Soul Man (Soul Man starred Dan Akroyd; Dan Akroyd starred in Saturday Night Live). When the off button was triggered a switch within the television turned the television off. The other three looked away from the gray screen.
They all looked at Dewey.
Nick pulled out some crumpled money from his left pocket. He did it with his right hand to show how much he did not like Dewey talking like this in his mom�s house. He stared at Dewey like a blackjack player scrutinizing a sixteen when the dealer shows a seven.
Dewey never noticed. He was looking at Chuck. Nick started looking at Chuck. His gaze soon turned cold. It was the look of someone who thought a friendship was being tested to its limit.
Things could go either way.
Chuck was lost in a rare imaginative moment. He thought it was a flashback at first until he realized it was new footage he was seeing. I know what he was seeing. I think in the thought of time I should skip it-
What was that?
Okay, I guess I can tell you what Chuck was imagining. I mean do you think I�d be writing this crap if I had something better to do.
In fact, let�s all take a break.


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