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2005-09-11 - 8:51 p.m.

Three Grams

First off joke is a noun, which is why there is an italic n followed by a period. It looks like this: n. It stands for noun, I say this twice because it becomes a little confusing later on. Secondly, the first meaning of joke kind of reveals what this book is really all about...


Okay I�m back. I took another break. I think I left off at where the second meaning of joke could be best described using a combination of a well and a prank.
Or joke.
Three grams involves public forms of the word joke where situations become humorous.
In the thought of time we are going to skip the informal, or fourth, definition of joke (you know point a to point b to get to -v.) in order to go right to the word joke getting the starring role in a sentence. Joke, a.k.a. (that means also known as) joked, joking and jokes, can be made the verb, thusly, joking is the star power behind the sentence someone is putting out there
This garbage really writes itself.
Just the way joke becomes a verb.
Now comes a discussion point.
Any ideas?

I just got back from a break so I am out of ideas. For Christ�s sake people I think I�ve gone off and started breaking down what joke means.

I just got back from a break so I got an idea. I think that-intr. means introverted.
So there is an introverted definition of joke.
That�s a real load off. Yeah, I�m still picking the pieces up myself.
The second introverted meaning, in my opinion, is far more interesting than the first one because it uses a word that I tried to spell four times myself because the damn computer didn�t have it in its dictionary. For the sake of you good people, I�m not going to find out if it is in The American Heritage College Dictionary.
It could be funny but I might be pushing this thing a little hard on you early.
Just the way joke becomes a verb.
Now the troverted definition uses joke as a noun. I think the troverted meaning of joke is the one that hurts the worst. I wonder why it got buried under all of the other facetious stuff. Well, it does have this going for it:
It�s in front of Latin! I am about to use Latin in my story for the second time. Hell, I just used the word Latin twice, wait thrice. In a strong border [none of that flimsy parentheses crap for Latin (4)] with a Lat. teaser comes iocus or joke in some ancient language. Although that will turn this into literature, I think my favorite part has arrived:
See yek-*.
Break time.
No, wait, I can figure something out if I apply myself. It makes me think of yak. I once wrote a screenplay called Snippets 2: The Yak Herdsmen. The Yak Herdsmen were actual characters but they were not funny.
I thought that made it funny.
Joke can also become an adverb.


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