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2007-06-08 - 2:21 p.m.

The politcians continue to politicize the immigration problem in the USA and it means they still have not passed a law to move us forward on this issue. The daze of our elected officials is glaring. They have lost touch with America. Congress is an old dinosaur with love for the past and loathing for the future. Politicians are only important to themselves and they are very wealthy so they have staying power but they no longer do anything.

Am I wrong here? Other than not sacrificing embryos, what else does George Buch stand for and he is in charge of the Congress in a sense. The best job security is an incompetant boss and this country has the leader of the free world at the pinnacle of ineptitude.

And it's not like them passing a law will change anything, it's just amusing to see them all intheir nice suits acting like they matter still on some cable TV station that no one watches.

And on the topic of not mattering, how about Paris calling for fairness on the way back to jail. She held dignity for a moment at the sentencing but her stripes showed through when they took away her 5700 square foot toy.

Man, I wanted to talk about the Stanley Cup Finals and now they are over and the freaking Ducks are the mightiest team in the NHL. I was gonna pick the Senators in 6 so I was able to slack-off and not make a bad pick (yet I still shared my bad pick).

It is nice to have the Cavs in the Finals but the Spurs are so tough that it could be a short trip for my team. After 37 years of the franchise's existence, it is nice to be in the NBA Finals. I still hope for the best but realize that beating the Spurs might be a task too great for the young Cavs team.

I should be busy this weekend. I want to do another article on a Mary Schaefer portrait. I saw Shrek the Third and want to do a review/article on that. I finished reading Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. I won't do a review for that one but I will say that I cannot wait to read the rest of the series.Good sci-fi is the funnest stuff to read and write.


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