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2007-06-12 - 10:12 p.m.

Well, the NBA Finals are all over. In a seven game format, when one team goes up 3-0, it is proven impossible for the team down three games to come back. They might take Game 4 and even win Game 5 but then the last two games are in San Antonio and the series will not go back to San Antonio.

The Cavs made the NBA Finals though. No one can take that away fromt hem.

I was gonna write a review/article for Shrek the Third but nothing was coming to me. It's a reallt good movie and I Iaughed the whole way through it but that kind of stuff doesn't make for a fun article/review and that is what I am all about.

Heather talked about Shrek at her blog:

I liked what she wrote also which made the need for me to put something out even more unnecassary.

So that is me backing out of work up there. I hope it was subtle. Oh and I have another thing I need to do and that is slam myself. Imight have gotten all idignant recently about taking on porn and having porn notice. Well, it turns out some sites just plug words into their sites to get onto search engines like Yahoo.

It's one of those coincidences that got me all excited and turned out to be a big letdown. The pictures on that site are really nasty so that is a bummer too.

Well, with the Cavs and me slamming myself, this was one of the funner Blinverted entries yet.

I can end this on a happy note...

Being alive is the greatest cure for all that ills.

Yeah! I did it!


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