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2007-04-17 - 5:01 p.m.

An 80 year old professor held the door while his students fled out the windows. 80 years in this fucked up world and he has to make that choice. He has to choose to stand up for those he taught. If the lunatic was one of his students, he would be holding the door for him.

We live in a world where both men walk the Earth. The lunatic with the gun and the man who lived a full life and wanted nothing more than for his students to feel the same.

The blame goes, of course, with the lunatic with the guns. He caused the suffering and death. The lunatic was a coward who took his life instead of facing the justice of his actions. If it was that simple, blaming the lunatic, then perhaps this scenario would stop happening.

What creates these horrible days. What makes it so in a city like Tucson we mourn but do not talk about what happened in Blacksburg. We are not heartless. We just know that it might be our turn next.

It is a culture of violence and incompetence that started over six years ago.

What was George Bush's agenda before 9/11?

I can no longer remember. All; I remember now are these days.

It was a Tuesday in 2001.

It was a Monday in 2005.

The Amish are no longer safe from the world, the culture, around them.

Are the kids on our college campuses any safer anymore?

Even the Green Zone, the safest place in Iraq, is not safe under the leaership of George Bush.

There is no place safe in the George Bush America. He makes you always pick a side. We all have the right to have guns, it says so in the second amendment. What it doesn't say is what keeps happening. It doesn't say how to move on after a lunatic takes advantage of the second amendment to cause death and sorrow.


I cherish my freedom everyday. I wonder why I no longer feel safe and I hope it is the culture created by the horrible leadership of George W. Bush. If it is the culture created by a man not qualified for his job then we have hope.

It is so hard to hope anymore. It is so hard to hope.

That is why the sunrise is always so beautiful to me. We always get a new day and with a new day there truly can be hope.


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