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2007-05-22 - 5:10 p.m.



I have written so much about myself in Blinverted that it seems like I am running out of things to say. It probably seems like that quite a bit as I stutter and retread my way through seven blogs that make up this abstract Internet novel idea I have that is based on pop culture and the way I see it.

I really haven't ever said anything about myself though. I have never written about my weaknesses (other than those deduced by others). I have never written about my real failures. My failures in the field of entertainment have all merely been obstacles because in entertainment all paths lead to success. I haven't shared any of my failures as a man is my point.

I've never mentioned that I have built the infrastructure for an empire with my own two hands and I am riding a very nice wave as I enter my 30's. I have never written of the cross I bear and why my writing had to be part of something tangible in this fashioned world.

For so long it was shameful to admit such things. From my shame I found a new humility. I found inspiration in myself that I had forgotten somewhere along the way. I have decided to finally talk about myself.

"For once I was blind. But now I see."


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