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2007-05-16 - 8:16 a.m.

Last night I was having a nice visit with a friend of mine. His little boy lost a tooth recently and I had a dollar burning a hole in my pocket. When I told Gabriel that the Tooth Fairy dropped off some cash to me he looked right at his dad.

This is what his dad said:"I told you the Tooth Fairy told everyone about it."

It would be so nice to have a kid and I got a small glimmer of the hope they hold again last night.

Then they grow up and get to go on public vacations. The heiress of the Hilton in a 12 by 8 cell. I actually support Paris not going to jail because who is the court system to teach her a lesson? Please take a limo in the future, you can afford to kill people while driving drunk but it is a risk that can only end sadly.

One of my favorite people is Adam Carolla. He was an epic radio host on Loveline with Dr. Drew as he spoke truth upon truth to a mostly myopic teen-aged audience. I hadn't seen him in a bit but heard him quoted on King of the Hill recently (Bill said ricoculous)(it is a combo word for ludicrous and ridiculous coined by Adam). I saw him on the Hugh Hefner Roast too and he killed as always with his deadpan schtick and humor.

Now, I am onto the NBA Playoffs. The first thing I want to say is that the NBA Playoff Structure is whack. They need to get rid of the divisions altogether. In a league where over half of the teams make the playoffs, does anyone really care that the Tornoto Raptors won their first Atlantic Divison Title?


Rank the teams, in both Conferences, from 1 through 8 and have the teams with the higher seeds be the home teams.

Okay, the structure is now fixed so let's talk about the playoffs.

Robert Horry is a player I respect for his ability to take and make the big shot. He has earned six rings for him and his teams with clutch shot after cluthc shot.

So when he acts like a thug, it is hard to understand. How can someone I like make such a dirty play? He acted like such a jerk as he stood there watching Steve Nash fly against the table. Why couldn't you have fallen down Robert? Why couldn't you have acted like it was a basketball play and not an assault?

Robert Horry is a 6' 9" man who could really hurt someone and it looked like he was trying to hurt Nash in the game on Monday. If I was Suns coach Mike Dantoni, who ran to protect his player after the hard foul, this is what I would have said to Big Shot Bob:

"Elite players in the NBA don't act like that, Robert. I no longer think of you as an elite player."

I look for the Suns, with their home crowd going nuts, to take a 3-2 lead in this series.I want the Suns to win so badly. If the Spurs lose then I will call them a dirty team. If the Spurs win the series then you can't call them dirty because that would be seen as sour grapes.

The Spurs have added pressure now because they are not a dirty team but they sure are acting like one and to the victor go the spoils.

What no one
is talking about is that the Suns one Game 4! They have momentum and they are not a dirty team. GO SUNS!


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