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2006-12-12 - 9:22 p.m.

I just got back from a rehearsal for the big scene in One Night. Through circumstance I got to play a role. I was later replaced by Jon Proudstar, who platyed two roles superbly and no one noticed that I was quiet for a long time.

I mean, I'm only the writer, ah, who cares?

Robert Linden, Eric O'Donnell and Homero Eckert play the Chip's in a brilliantly moronic way. All three have experience in the acting field and the performances rocked.

Lindsey Warm is acting in her fifth movie and makes a great leading female as the girl from Bismark, ND (Non-Determined) who doesn't know about the Samuel stink until Jana and Haley tell her. Jana is played by the beautiful Heather Smith and Haley is played by the sexy Katie Murray. They were cast as somewhat inexperienced actressesses because of their look and real life bond where they are good friends as the girls they play in the movie are good friends.

Oh, and they all rocked.

The movie is coming together nicely I must say.

As for me, it is late on Tuesday night so I might not get all five parts of Blinverted updated before the crossover to a new day. There could be a few early morning entries and some that appear some time tomorrow altogether.

I could just quit right now but I got enough stuff to do an all(-two-dayer)-nighter. There's a review for Casino Royale I want to do a rewview of since I saw the movie. Shockingly, I liked it so there will be another glowing review from J. Floyd King. The only movie I really ever slammed was the fourth Harry Potter and I wrote a really dirty review for Chicken Little. I called The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy one of the greatest movies I have seen. I compared it to my Citizen Kane: Pulp Fiction.

I am still doing something very special in part II of Blinverted where Fermin Garcia continues to touch my life, inspiring it, as he shares his journey through the world with me and I am able to share it with you.

Throw in a retread for the EMOLBLOG, OR PART IV OF BLINVERTED, and that's four outta five.

Throw in this one at the beginning and I am suddenly on a roll.


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