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2006-12-07 - 1:48 a.m.

A Needless Disease

Without growth
there is no life
without hate
no one would need a knife
but there is growth
and it leads to life
but there is hate
from which comes strife

There is also love
an afterthought to be sure
because hate is the disease
and love is not the cure

To a disease such as hate
all the help in the world
might be too late
humans see with eyes of prejudice
speak with mouths of ignorance
resigning themselves into compliance
only when all other doors
have been slammed shut

If only the bliss of love
could taint the far reaching hearts
locked doors would fly open
and humanity could have a fresh start
while the dream speaks from slumber
atrocities increase in number
hungry kids and men without homes
dying kids and women all alone
deviant kids and apathetic parents
abuse of authority and men without hope
so many problems
how can one cope?

Because there is love
pushed to the forefront
hate is the disease
but love is on the hunt

Other avenues ensue
to reach the same road
so by doing the best they know
life is allowed to grow
dirty thoughts can stay inside
forcing hate to run and hide
look at the person to your right
see them in the brightest of light
if their face is not the same
do not keep them out of the game
because we all want to play
on this beautiful and cloudless day


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