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2006-11-14 - 8:49 p.m.


Relo scanned the reports. Everything seemed to be in order. Compound Gangland showed a congruent census report with the last four cycles. Compound Quiksand saw the demolition of two old buildings where a cluster of vagrants had marooned themselves. The vagrants were cleaned, tagged and put to work repairing some various structures within the compound.

Relo smiled for a small moment.

They were no longer men. They were a scant mistake from life outside of the compound. Outside of the concrete walls.

Relo shuddered.

Compound Sentinel�s delegate completed his task. Relo recognized Lionel�s handwriting on the reports pertaining to Gerald Hones, aka Glory Hole. Lionel was a lefty and when he was excited he smudged a few of his words. On the kill request form he smudged his first name when he signed for the acceptance of the task. In his note on the kill acquisition form the words eye, knife and furniture were smudged.

�Lionel, eye knife furniture.�

Relo smiled for another moment. A dimple dipped under his right cheek for the first time in weeks. Relo swiped his hand at it but the irritation on his right cheek bothered him all day.

Compound Juniper�s council was being brought in today for a four o�clock meeting. The head of their council, Jonathon Vermose, aka Killa Vermin, allowed a breach in protocol when a vendor murdered another vendor over a dispute on the price of apples that have yet to go rotten versus those that have already rotted. Step Three in the punishment process for murder within a compound is the allocation of assets from the perpetrator and the perpetrator�s family. Killa either allowed Step Three to be skipped or did not report the assets that were seized. Step Three requires two signatures from the tandem that seizes any and all assets.


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