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2006-11-19 - 5:06 p.m.

It was not the first time that Killa has skirted the process. A child with no family was convicted of stealing food and was ordered to be immediately executed, along with the two younger siblings he was trying to feed. Instead, Killa placed the three wayward children with a family known to have assets and seized them.

Killa has a tunnel underneath the compound walls that he uses for ragtag families with no assets.

He was also accepting unprocessed stipends from those he led, which was why the protocol of his regime was under scrutiny. It became hard Killa to seize the assets of a man�s family when that man gave all of his life. It became hard to place three wayward kids into a respectable home when those in the respectable home already contributed so bountifully over the uncertain years.

Killa has never seen the tunnel that takes the waywards and ragtags out of the compound without corporate attention. He heard some of his crew talking about the cries echoing down the tunnel.

Killa hears those wails in his dreams.

The Corporation knew of the soft accounting and undeclared assets. They figured it occurred in all of the compounds, it is the price for using criminals in management positions. When someone with enough esteem becomes sloppy, as Killa Vermin has, it is imperative to make an example out of the suspect and/or suspects.

Relo was judge of a case that would never see a court. He had long convicted Killa Vermin. The long nights were spent in trying to piece together, from his massive files of covert intelligence, just how deep the corruption was at Compound Juniper.


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