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2006-11-12 - 8:22 a.m.

Compound Micron had a lustrous life cycle. Created, nurtured and destroyed by greed. When times were good the compounds fell at their feet. When The Boss moved in, the life cycle ended.

�Yeah, I remember.�

�Do you know that I have had at least twenty-four thoughts on one question?�

Glory knew the answer. Life allowed for Lionel to change his mind. Fate, as the chain of events unfolded, was in charge.

�I wondered, at least twenty-four times, what would happen if I cut out Glory Hole�s-�

Lionel stood up.

�Do you even know that glory hole is a term from a former day? It was a depraved hole for a depraved day.�

With a full stomach, and death at his doorstep, Glory spoke freely for the first time in twenty-five meetings with Lionel.

�I know what a glory hole is.�

Lionel nodded and Glory saw the knife. It looked so familiar to him. The blackness was familiar too.

Lionel watched as his gangsters pushed the blind man about the furniture filled room. He was weak. He tried to stay down. The gangsters picked him back up and threw him into more furniture.

The laughter was giving Lionel a headache.

�Just kill the fucker. Make sure you put it in the log, I want Relo to see the kill acquisition right next to the kill request. You know what, bring me the fucking log. And get the blind fucker out of here. I�m so glad you know what a glory hole is.�

There was a pitter of laughter.

�See-ya Glory Hole.�


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