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2007-06-21 - 10:36 a.m.

The loose ends are piling up and I need to blinvert. This could get real ugly, real quick. Hey, it could go the other way too, I guess. It's never happened before so I guess, in a way, I'm due.

I want to put the Shrek the Third review behind me. I'm not gonna write one. I laughed the whole time because I was drinking before the movie and I more than likely would have done the same sober. Those kid movies are really tough to give feedback on. The filmmakers essentially make two movies and smash them together. They have become so good at it that what do people say after watching a cartoon, it had great adult humor.

It's only fair to give the adults a little something since the kids who fund the cartoon movies don't pull in any real money. And the lucky ones like Macaluy have their parents get all greedy and probably not even take the Culkin kids to see Ratatouille.

I guess the Culkin kids are all grown up now but that is how blinverting can turn ugly. Kids grow up and want adult humor in their kids movies.

Jen X has been sent out to a film festivals as I take my movie to the next audience. It has beenm a lot of fun watching this thing develop. It starts with an idea. An idea that needs help from all kinds of people to bring into focus. It can become massive from a certain angle while trying to figure out what you have forgotten. Once the footage is shot, it grows smaller. Just the director and the editor as the movie is put together. After the movie is done it goes back to just being me and my ideas.

Let's send it to the film festivals.

I wanted to talk about how strange my life is too. It is hard to capture the strangeness is what I realized. Reading all of my blogs is a glimpse to the strangeness but let me assure, it is a lot odder than I can share in these small entries.

I do try though, you gotta give me that.


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