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2007-06-30 - 9:59 a.m.

As the month of June comes to a close, is it time to be reflective? Another year half-way to its finish. Six Months ago, I quit my corporate job and became a business owner for the second time.

My first company is in the red from 2001 and might never become profitable. I shouldn't say that, I sent out Jen X under both company names so I might get lucky. I think we are all due for some luck.

Here's a fun story from MSNBC:

Dry cleaner wins in $54 million suit for pants

'The owners of Custom Cleaners did not violate the city's Consumer Protection Act by failing to live up to Roy L. Pearson's expectations of the "Satisfaction Guaranteed" sign once displayed in the store window, District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Judith Bartnoff ruled. Bartnoff ordered Pearson to pay the court costs of defendants Soo Chung, Jin Nam Chung and Ki Y. Chung.'

The article did end on kind of a down note, though...

'The two-day trial earlier this month drew a standing-room-only crowd and overshadowed the drunken driving trial of former Mayor Marion Barry.'

And that guy Pearson is a real piece of shit...

'Pearson, an administrative law judge, originally sought $67 million from the Chungs, claiming they lost a pair of suit trousers and later tried to give him a pair that he said was not his. He arrived at the amount by adding up years of alleged law violations and almost $2 million in common law claims.'

Well, that is all said and done so let's see what can I write about now? How about me? Okay, let's do it.

I was out yesterday and saw this lady in a wheelchair using one good leg to push her way up a ramp. I gave my stuff to my wife and started toward her to help. I didn't look down and didn't see this curb but did trip and fall down. I laid there for a moment, just laughing tomyself because I wasn't hurt but I had fallen to the hot asphalt. When I got up, I was still able to help the lady up the ramp.

She asked me for some money but luckily I was bleeding on my hands so I said I had to go to the bathroom.

I cut up my knee too pretty good. My pants are okay though so i don't think i will take them to the dry cleaners. Although, that could be a good way to make a few million, I mean, if I was a really bad Pearson.


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