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2005-09-25 - 5:41 p.m.

A tiny lizard ran across the hot hood of Ed�s shitty car. Dewey pointed.

You see bro, there�s a shrunken dinosaur right now man.
But what about that big-ass crater in Mexico dude?
That could have hit after the dinosaurs.
We are just calling the same thing two different things man. You call it evolution or devolution or shrunken dinosaurs or whatever dude and I call it random events of time.
But you have to understand dude that those seemingly random events of time when viewed on a long enough timeline have order and that order is the precipitous of evolution.
Dude, did you just say precipitous?
I think I did.
You know what Dewey? Even if their was a timeline long enough to- Fuck it, what are we gonna do today?
I thought we were doing it

There was things they wanted to do and they both thought about those errands in the ensuing silence. Dewey wanted to get some work toward making his movie but he had no money. Ed thought about how to make some easy money because he had no money. Dewey wanted to smoke out of a bong. Ed wanted to smoke some more weed. Even though Dewey�s parents were gone his sister was not so his bong was beyond their grasp. Ed thought about going to Nick�s bong but didn�t want to see Nick. Dewey was dreading the meeting he had later with Nick and did not want to see him now.
Ed had forgotten all about that meeting. He was still pissed about the twenty minutes they wasted waiting in the El Gordo Burrito parking lot and the resin they smoked in the desert.
Ed was very happy last night to give Dewey the ride over to Carlos�s house in order to get the quarter pound of weed for one hundred and twenty-five dollars.

Hey Dewey?
You think Nick and Chuck knew that dude wasn�t coming?

Suddenly Dewey thought about Ryan. It was all the way across town. There was no cable. He technically didn�t even really live there. Disregarding all of that, Dewey knew that house did have a bong. It probably wasn�t Ryan�s bong but did the owner of a bong really matter?

You wanna go to Ryan�s?

Ed turned the man made killing machine on and pulled the emergency release brake down.


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