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2005-10-02 - 6:03 p.m.

I watch DVD's while in bed for the night. I usually watch TV series like Seinfeld, Futurama, The Simpsons and King of the Hill. I fall asleep to them and when I wake up in the middle of the night i turn off the DVD and TV. Every once in while I will put a real movie into the DVD player and fall asleep to that.
It's not often though.
One time I put in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
I fell asleep.
Dreaming occured.
The dream and the movie intertwined in a medium incomprehensible. My mind tried to comprehend it and it freaked out my wife. I had this notion that the end of the movie and the end of life had become one.
Well I didn't give it much thought.
Then last night we were watching Ghostbusters.
I fell asleep.
Dreaming occured.
It happened again.
The end of a good movie is sad but I need to realize that life goes on.


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