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2007-03-22 - 11:19 p.m.

The only time I can tell I have not watched ESPN in a couple of days is when I find a story like I did today, buried under the box scores on page 7. Poor Richie Anderson was down to pay for some action but it turned he asked an undercover cop.

I think it is unfair that cops disguise who they are, perpetrate a crime then bust the only dude that doesn't know what is going on. I'm sure ESPNNEWS brought up that story every thirty minutes in their half hour loop of sport news.

I haven't been watching. I know FoxSports Radio hasn't said anything about a prostitution sting going on in Tempe, Arizona. I can't say it's not without merit (if you count without then that is a triple negative)(figure out what that one means), I mean, who knows what perversions those Scum Devils at ASU are up to.

It's just too bad when someone I like gets caught in the sophisticated sting. I bet the cop was a lady and she was wearing lip stick and everything just like a real hooker. Richie is a Bill Parcells guy, he played for Parcells in New York and in Dallas. He didn't get nailed in a sting in Dallas but he does in Tempe? What don't we know about those perverted Scum Devils from ASU?

Seriously, I'm starting to think the ninty miles between me and the campus might be too small. I always kinda thought it, I mean, it's ASU up there in Tempe, but now it's just a bad punchline to a poorly written entry.

Go ahead and read it again if you missed it.

Huh, CBS Sportsline is calling Tempe South Phoenix for some reason. That would mean that Richie got busted in one of the biggest citites in America.

I think I can still save this, ahem, I stand by everything I said about Tempe even though they are not actually busting former NFL players turned coaches in that city. I do take back one of the Scum Devil blasts and I'll let you pick which one Scum Devil fan.

That's the way I roll, er, blog.

Oh, and Phoenix is a piece of shit big city too. It's trying to be an inland LA with waiters that actually go to school. It has a nice smog going and everything.

Well, I think I cleaned this all up nicely. I really think my Phoenix commentary had an angle that was not necessarily in line with what Blinverted is all about.

And, of course, that was what made it blinverted.

Robert Plant is singing about a ship of fools and it gets me thinking...

Why don't I ride a ship up to Phoenix, get a job as a waiter while also enrolling in the University of Phoenix and I can learn to like what it is that I don't understand and, thusly, ridicule to hide my ignorance; I've done it a million times (only recently, though, have I begun to inadvertently write my obvious shortcomings)(unbeknownst even to myself).

Pink Floyd is singing about taking it back so I think I will do just that.

Yeah, forget any of this happened. I didn't write it, you didn't read it and the time that we spent in actually doing those things we are now ignoring (based on my own ignorance of something that I probably wrote about) will be replaced if I can just stop right now...

Hey, I did it.



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