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2007-03-20 - 8:41 a.m.

I was sitting there, on my birthday, minding my own business when inspiration hit me like a sack of rocks.

I was having this Blinverted problem. Whenever I have a Blinverted problem, I really can't go to anyone and hash it out with them. I know because I tried once.

I had a nice rest and everyone was nice enough to call it only a spa:)(smiley face).

By firing Publish America, I suddenly have part VI of Blinverted that could be proven false or Publish America, who gave me the site, could pull the plug. I recently bought the domain name so I was looking at an eighth part of an abstract Internet novel that I barely have enough new material for two or three blogs to write about so I just do a litany of retreads and hope no one notices my run-on sentences.

One other thing was that I wanted to put the portraits of Mary Schaefer into one of the blogs (right now they are two clicks away: MySpace then Pics)(I know I can trim that to one) and talk about them. I had no way to add the pictures in the current format. Along comes Mike Buck, web guru, poker player and actor while going to school to get his bounty hunter degree and hat.

I made some of that up. Mike doesn't wear hats.

He has some of the amazing production stills taken by John Sartin on the set of Jen X in the other website I have now, which is not a part of Blinverted, merely one of those things I talk about in Blinverted.

So that site has pictures all over it, thanks to John taking them and Mike pasting them onto the site, so I figured, when the inspiration hit like a box of rocks, I could replace part VI with, put the portraits and the interview series with Mary in there and hope that someone will buy The Disciples for a 2007 release so at worst I have two parts of part VI (if that happens then I can only hope that Publish America pulls the plug to lessen the confusion of my future actions)(if I make them).

I will be editing the first volume of Blinverted so that I can release it through Xlibris in 2007, thusly keeping my streak of books alive (if you count Blinverted)(if you don't count Blinverted then I have to start a new streak this year)(or, gulp, in 2008). I also have this really funny novella called 29 Grams that I could come out with this year.

The War Journal is also completed and just needs editing. Same with The Revolts and the second two volumes of Blinverted. If I need a fourth volume of Blinverted then I still have to copy and paste that thing together.

Shoot, I could put out a book of poetry called Music Lyrics since editing poetry is easy. You just say that I meant to write it that way that makes no sense.

And then there are all of the half-done books that I am too busy to get to at this time when I am starting a new company, editing the first movie of my first company, looking for a book deal, turning 30, doing a focus group for my first still-in-the-proces-of-being-edited movie, preparing for my next shoot, writing a new screenplay and anything else that comes up in the course of being stretched so thin that I sleep like a new born babe at nights.

And during the day I nap like a champ when there is time.

So what was the point of all of this? Look out for You can see the portraits of Mary Schaefer in part VII of Blinverted right now by going to my MySpace and clicking on Pics.

Man, it's hard to end this so let me do it by simply stopping writing


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