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2007-03-27 - 8:40 a.m.

I think by now it's pretty obvious that I am making this all up as I go. Seriously, I feel like Michael Douglas's character in Wonder Boys who was writing a 2500 page book that had no point to him anymore. Well, it was a really good movie and the real point of the book was that he was writing and that excused all of his other behaviors when he wasn't writing.

Spiderman was in it.

So I have this thing called Blinverted. It is well over five hundred entries strong (so if every entry averages two pages then that's over 1000 pages) and I have no idea what the hell I am writing about.

Christ, that must mean I am doing this to excuse all of my other behaviors. Where the hell do I go to fix that problem? And in getting back to the having nothing to write about...

To wit.

There was a heartfelt story from the NCAA Women's Basketball Tournament. And not only am I talking about girls basketball, the heartfelt team was actually the...

Man, this is going to hurt nore than I thought it would...

The Arizona State Sun Devils.

Senior Aubree Johnson, who along with senior Emily Westerberg and coach Charli Turner Thorne have built the ASU program in their four years into a national power, lost her younger brother, Jordan Johnson, before a game against Rutgers.

The game was cancelled then but was destined to happen as the two teams met on the cusp of the Final Four. I watched the game and hoped for a sweet ending. It was bittersweet, unfortunately, for the Rutgers team made more shots. It was a pleasure to watch Johnson and Westerberg end their careers with such class in defeat.

Another thing that jumped out at me was the the ASU girls team, led by their stunning coach, is full beautiful young women.

From the height of beauty, I, of course, want to delve to cavemen. I heard that Geico is developing a series starring their Cavemen duo from their commercials. Will the gecko be their roommate?

This entry really upsets me. I admitted I was a hack, talked nice about ASU and have to sit on great ideas like a Blinvereed TV show or a TV called Redemption about reapers killing slackers to go to prison in heaven or even a reality show where a group of aspiring writers each write a chapter of a book.

I have an idea for a sketch comedy show called The Yak Herdsmen. How is that any different than a show about Cavemen?

I really think I might get some season passes to ASU's next girls basketball season too. They were that fine.


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