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2008-06-07 - 9:41 a.m.

The Blinverted Time Machine

part one

It started with Lil' Bush. Family Guy made a really funny one about Al Gore winning the election in 2000 and America doing a lot better. Now Scott McClellan has come out with a behind the scenes expose on the Bush administration.

Dubya's approval rating can't really get any lower. Gas prices are going to go higher. We are tied to the hip with Iraq now and there is still talk of invading Iran.

Dubya has done a bad job and the line to take shots at him is adding new folks each and everyday. He is smarter than us all though, he got a job where his performance, although monitored and a topic of discussion, could not get him fired.

After the disaster in New Orleans and the way the people of that city were treated, there was even talk that George Bush is racist.

That was surreal to hear, a racist in the White House. That is more than likely not true. It is more a simple answer to a terrible problem calling him racist.

I mean you can hate poor people and still not be racist, right?

The Family Guy episode when Peter kept going back in time, with the help of Death, to win back Lois was so good that even my wife liked it.

She's not a big fan of the smutty humor shows and Family Guy is full of hilarious smut.

I think it easy to sit here in 2008 and say that Gore would have done a better job. Is that fair though?

Is it fair to say there would have been no terrorist attack by the Saudi Arabians and no invasion of Iraq based on a lie of WMD's that were never found? 9/11/2001 completely dominated the president's agenda for the next, let's see here now, seven years. Is it fair to ask what Dubya's agenda would have been had that day not gone so badly?

And what was the deal with Hurricane Katrina? The Weather Channel had great coverage of it. Looking back, they might have been a better help than FEMA.

Dubya actually took the blame for FEMA's failures with that disaster in New Orleans.

Well, I've cetainly written a lot here. In part two, I will start to give some answers but it will be tough.I'm a lot smarter than Bush and it is hard to understand what makes stupidity tick. I'll give it the old Blinverted shot though.


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