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2008-05-04 - 12:49 p.m.

Blinverted on the Radio

part one

I was hoping to get a Blinverted segment on a local radio station this year. It is hard to get into that field at such a high level is what I found out. So I have done the next best thing.

I have been a frequent caller to a morning show and a drive time sports talk show this year and that is why I am here today updating Blinverted. I can share with you the e-mails that have been read on the air and in doing so, I think I can fill up a few a few of my blogs without even working up a sweat much like the Boston Celtics are not sweating as they pound the Atlanta Hawks in Game 7.

If that game was closer then I might not be updating anythng right now. But it's not so I am and away we go.

I talked about my fandom for the Buckeyes:

I am the rational Buckeye fan who calls your show and I am freaking out here. We won another NIT game and we are going to Madison Square Garden. It was a nice scene on ESPN2 in the win over a tough Dayton team, a good moment but now only epic disaster looms.

Florida is in the NIT Final Four for starters. If we lose to them again then, I mean, that would be horrible is where I can only start to tell how bad that would be.

Even worse, after all of those second place finishes, we could actually win the NIT.

That would be terrible!

Name the last five NIT champs. And Cal repeated for two of those, I think, who knows? It's the NIT.

Glenn, what do I do? Do I actually root for the Buckeyes to lose in the semi-finals of the Not Invited Tourney to...

I don't even know who they are playing. It's the NIT.

How did this happen? I was bumping along, a pocketful of second place finishes, learning to cope, the Buckeyes make the title game one year are on the bubble the next, miss the tourney, still bumping along, gaining some confidence and now we are in the NIT semifinals. Florida will probably be there in the Finals, why not? They can't beat anyone else in the title game of every sport every time they play them. Other institutions might sack up once or twice but not my Buckeyes they (insert nut and gator chomping joke here)*.

*censored because I was out of stuff to say

The Buckeyes did find their way into the NIT title game and no one knows about it but me:

The first humiliation was that the Women's Tourney was on ESPN and the NIT was on ESPN2. On ESPN Classic was the, and I'm not making this up, 2006 Dodge X-treme Bulls Ride Hard Tour.

I just thought that was a really dirty name for a "sport" where the terminology "bucked-off" is used more than a dozen times.

The Buckeyes beat a bad Ole Miss team and now I might watch the NIT Final for the first time since the Buckeyes played UConn in I think it was the 1989 NIT Finals.

I was twelve, I didn't know any better. The Buckeyes lost of course.

Thankfully Florida doesn't dominate UMass. Isn't Minute Men a bad team mascot name?

I don't know how to follow up that question, I mean I could give a prediction but that would be as bad as gambling on the game itself. The only reason I am telling you that I am watching it is to show the depths I will dive to in order to support my team.

The Wildcats would never do this to me

And with that, I can move onto part two.


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