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2007-01-16 - 2:11 p.m.

24 was worth the wait yet again. Not since season 2 has a nuclear bomb been set off on US soil. The show in season 2 is legendary. Its the pragmatic nature of the show that makes it so damn appealing. Keifer Sutherland makes every dude in America think that if he can just master the skill of doing ruthless deeds without remorse then every dude in America could be Jack Bauer.

I know because I am one of those dudes.

Jim Rome's new favorite player in the NBA is a former Arizona Wildcat. That is the reason I am talking about the NBA before playoff time. I don't think I even brought up Allen Iverson being traded to Denver.

AI not in Philly, it's almost as surreal as the NBA regular season.

I do believe that both either happened or are happening at this current time but I have no sources to back up my claims. I am shooting a jumper on a court made for one right now you could say, among other things.

Oh yeah, the former Wildcat. Rome calls him agent 0. He wears the number 0 because someone back in the day told him he would play 0 minutes at Arizona.

He was a first round pick after his sophomore season of college at Arizona where Gilbert Arenas played a lot. He even played in six tournament games one post season. Fucking Mike Dunleavy made four straight three point shots for fucking Duke and they beat a great Arizona team in 2001. I bet the players were thinking what I was thinking:

'There's no way this goofy bastard can make three straight.'


'Come on, no way he makes four-'

"How can that goofy bastard make four in a row?!"

Then I started to blame my team.

"Guard him for crying in the bucket!"*

Until ultimately you just hunker down and blame Duke.

"I hate Duke."

I have a lot to talk about so I can only get sidetracked once, hope you enjoyed my rant about the 2001 NCAA championship game that wandered from a thought about Gilbert Arenas being the MVP of the NBA.

My guy Lebron is a close second. The Cavs beat the Wizards in the playoffs last year but might not be so lucky this time around. Being a Cleveland fan, I always hope for the best and expect the worst.

The Wizards were at one time known as the Washington Bullets. The murder rate in the Washington, D.C. area became so high that the team name Bullets seemd out of place so it was changed. In the same city, The Washington football franchise has been asked numerous times to change their team name. I have been told what the term Redskins refers to and it's crazy how in a political city like D.C. such an insenstive term can be thrown about freely.

I think that was the second time i wandered but for some reason I am proud of what I wrote that just there and I can't always make that claim.

One thought I want to wander back in time for is the Mark McGwire Hall of Fame election result of under 30 percent for a guy that hit over 500 home runs in Major League Baseball. I think the voters got it right except for the voters who turned in blank ballots. Sure they took a stand against Mark McGwire possibly, er, probably using steroids to help his statistics because in the end, it's all about the numbers.

In the case of every Baseball Hall of Fame induction vote for the near future, it will be about the legitimate numbers.

Those voters who turn in empty ballots also make it so Cal Ripken and Tony Gwynn don't get 100% of the induction votes. Some of these baseball wroters have criteria that doesn't allow them to vote a player in on the first ballot. In the more petty cases, a voter just might not like the guy who is up for induction.

Long story short, no player has ever received 100% of the induction votes when voted into the Hall of Fame.

Some people will do anything for attention. The real brain cases use five blogs to get attention for their stupid little blinverted thoughts about the world.
It's six now:

That one is for my fourth book, The Disciples. Pretty blinverted, huh?

this is really cleaned up from what I said.


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