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2007-01-20 - 8:05 a.m.

Hold on, I'm in the middle of something.

This could get goofy because I'm gonna talk about me. I wrote this screenplay called One Night because I loved Pulp Fiction so much. Everyone who ever read One Night liked it. I tried to make it and failed three times so this is the fourth time I have tried to make it. I am organized this time so the process was going well except for one thing.

I was having problems getting the script camera ready. Yeah, the One Night that everyone liked wasn't a good movie short script at all.

It was a feature length script that I always thought was a movie short because I wanted to make a movie short for my first movie, show everyone how good I was then become the next Stanley Kubrick.

It all seemed so easy ten years ago when I wrote One Night. There is a method where you sit down and write a screenplay, your very first one, then throw it away and write another one right away. I sure wish I knew about that one sooner.

So after the fifth rewrite of One Night and trying to compartmentalize it into a movie short where having three Chip's hanging out in some drug dealer's living room moved the story, because they were my final darling, I blew up at the people I asked to help me make the movie.

When I first wrote it, my twist on the Pulp Fiction style I was stealing was to make it about Generation X and that is exactly what I told them.

They loved it, I am living it and I failed for the fourth time to make One Night.

Now, I'm making Jen X, a 15 minute movie short that I am so excited about.

When I startd the entry I was trying to serenade my wife with snippets from Robert Plant's rendition of Sea of Love. As with most half-assed attempts at romance that are too early in the morning (which is really the only time of the day when us Romeo's have any good ideas about romance)(and everything else too), it failed.

Maybe I'll write a screenplay about it.


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