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2007-02-22 - 3:41 p.m.

I love dogs. You might have read about my physical assault that stemmed from a dog walk somewhere within Blinverted. I kept my dog (he got assaulted too if you remember) because I love him. I don't walk him so much anymore, though.

When those hikers on Mt. Hood were trapped overnight, it was a dog that helped to keep them warm. Three hikers and their dog were trapped when a ledge fell during a hiking excursion. The dog slept on top of all three of them at seperate times during the frigid night in Oregon.

This is not confirmed but I don't think anyone fell into a well.

There was an upset today at the Match Play Golf tourney here in the Old Pueblo when Phil Mickelson was beaten. It means there will be no Tiger vs. Phil semi-final. Thanks a whole pad load, Phil.

The golfing event is actually taking place in Marana, which is outside of Tucson. The Marana Police Department is in charge of security but they are getting a lot of help. The Tucson, Oro Valley and Sahuarita Police Departments as well as the FBI and the ATF are all a part of the security.

Hell, it's javelina season so even the Arizona Department of Game and Fish is on site for the event. There might even be some snipers. That deserves a wow.

When the top 64 golf players in the world, well, we don't want to have a Las Vegas in Marana.

The top 24 NBA players went to Vegas and it got so bad that an NFL player bit a stripper. Jason Whitlock wrote about the real story, where the strip was overtaken by the NBA lifestyle in a pinnacle of its primitive, partying passion.

JT the Brick was quoting Whitlock's article. There was a fear of making eye contact when on the streets. There were brawls and shootings all weekend.

I wasn't there but I can imagine. The NBA is full of millionaires who bankroll their old homeboys from back in the day. it's a good gig if you are one of the ballers groupies, er, homies because it is a free ride. Money for nothing and chicks for free. The players are killing their league mor rapidly every year so I see how the gravy train can be shaking real bad on the tracks.

Grab it while you can ballers. You probably saw that America was watching Daytona on Sunday because we can give a fuck about the NBA and most of its union members.

One last thought, and it's a good one. I'm reading the epic Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. She is known in this current phase of pop culture because of a couple of cartoons that have slammed her. She is known for her socialist beliefs. Reading her epic novel, it speaks of the ills of socialism. The passing of Socialist type laws proved to be to the detriment of society. It seems an unusual view from what was thought to be a socialist writer.

The heroine of the story is Dagny Taggert. Never have I been so amazed at the portrayal of the layers of womanhood in print. She alone put the John Galt Line into being. And if you know who John Galt is then you understand what a feat it was that Dagny accomplished.

And how literate I are.


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