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2007-02-20 - 1:39 p.m.

Let's wander from golf to HIV as we try not to talk about a certain shaved head. I think I already blew it. Oh well, I still have to live the rest of my life so here comes another crappy entry:

Tucson is the center of the golf world this weekend. The PGA's finest are here for the match play event. It is quite a thrill to have Tiger Woods in our fair city. I will not be able to see him (because of a lack of planning) so anyone that does is very lucky indeed. Whenever Tiger plays, something great can, and usually does, happen.

Over a decade ago, Tommy Morrison tested positive for HIV before a boxing match. He claimed that it was a false test. That because of his starring role in Rocky V no woman would touch him so he was forced to be celebate. You know what I say? Nothing, this is a visual medium site only. You know what I am about to write? You can't celebrate by, er, without being celebate.

The reason I can make horrible joke upon horrible joke about Tommy's plight as both a boxer and a lover (plus an actor)(that's plight-worthy) is because he no longer has HIV! Test upon test has shown that either he:

a.) Never had it

b.) The virus ate shit and died

c.) a.) but not b.)

d.) b.) but not a.)

e.) All of the above and below

f.) There was something else I wanted to talk about but I forgot what it was kinda the way Tommy Morrison's HIV forgot to keep infecting him

g.) Tommy has a lucky prick

h.) Tommy is a lucky prick

I made it without talking about where a certain starlet will be laid to rest. Sheesh, even the ground is fucking Anna. Oh man, was that horrible. Stuff like that might get me kicked off of the Internet. If I had to keep these horrible thoughts in my head without an outlet...

Well, it wouldn't be blinverted, thusly, it would be unblinverted, which I hate to even write. That's for damn sure and now that I am going off about it, unblinverted has a meaning and that meaning is nothingness.

Think about that one.

Or don't.


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