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2007-02-11 - 2:02 a.m.

It was a good week. I made the rounds of the town in a victory lap. 10 years of effort produced a great weekend of principle photography. The footage on the dailies was fantastic. It is post-production that you make your movie and it is good to be in post.

Jen X is my first movie short. I still can't get over the fact that I was so dissillusioned by One Night being a movie short. I got pretty pissed after that 5th rewrite. All paths lead to success and that meltdown led to the screenplay of Jen X.

Could Jennifer Xavier be the first voice of Generation X?

I actually have a documentary on the shelf called The Human Studio that is also about Generation X. My friend Jon Proudstar watched it one day and told me to put it back onto the shelf.

Jon also said that Jen X is the first glimpse into my mind and he was glad to be a part of it. That meant a lot to me.

About the first glimpse thing, I have two books out, Jon. Circles is a real crazy mother fucker, if I do say so myself.

And I think i just blinverted:)(smiley face)


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