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2006-09-07 - 11:43 p.m.

I started my day, my utterly wandering filled day, on the computer. Cutting up One Night for my mechanic, who has tattoos and a character in the script has tattoos.

Hope he can act.

I picked up a scene marker at the place where Hedonistic bought a camera. If I buy a few things I might get a producer credit even though I don't really know what a producer does.

Just kidding.

Producers make movies happen by bringing the entire thing into focus from a vision told to them by a director or writer or whoever thought about it first.

Kinda makes you wonder how sets sound where an adapatation from a book is taking place. Do you ever wonder if a fistfight between an author and a producer has ever broke out, too?

A fistfight probably ruined somebody's career but Hollywood is pretty darn forgiving, don't forget.

You think someone who can write such neat things would know how to order a coffee but that isn't the case. I ordered an espresso and got a tiny amount of coffee filler in a big cup. It's not the first time it's happened to me, either. I gave the guy a business card for Blinverted and he asked me what was in it.

"I might talk about my faux paus in trying to order coffee."

Is what I told him. I think I'm ahead of myself. Going back a litte, I had some time on my hands after I dropped of the script snippet at my mechanics and stopped by an equipment shop to get some rental prices.

I went to a Hollywoon Video, that I had not been to in three years the clerk told me, and found out I have no late fees. I stopped at an artist friend's house next only to have to chase a dog I let out. My friend had a friend visiting from Chicago named Lee. The guys at the equipment shop were father and son, Lee and Lee, Jr. The new production team who is involved with One Night are Jon and Juan.

What a life. I caught the dog and had a nice visit and had an adventure ordering coffee before my meeting with Jon and Juan.

I had another meeting for One Night at 7 that night. It was with the rest of the production team and went very smooth.

I think I got everything I did today written down. It was a good day, I'll take ten just like it.

I wanted to do a few prviews too but I think I will save for that for another venue.

I have to cough and it will sound like something, here it comes:

The King Blog.


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