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2007-03-14 - 4:07 p.m.

I just wrapped the first meeting of the Tucson Film Club. I had to tell everyone that I am not a very nice guy so they don't come to that realization further on down the road. It is always dicey when sitting in a room with immense talent to freely speak your mind. I picked two good guys, though, and they heard what I was saying.

They must have been ignoring how I was saying it.

I have two meetings set for the TFC on this our third day of operations. I had to secure the talent to make the commercials first. Now I have to employ the person who will get us work to do so I can use the talent I have secured.

So let me check my ducks. I opened a company. I have people to make those commercials and I hope to hire someone to find us gigs. Looks like the ducks be in a row from where I sit, in front of my computer screen, talking about made up ducks.

I spoke of the Culture of Success and how important that is in the first days of a company. You don;t gain that type of culture, you start from day one. You don't talk about money because only people without money talk about money. You don't make excuses. You pay the bill when it comes and if you can't afford to then don't go out.

In the Culture of Success, you will find that money has very little to do with it. Perception is reality. No one can see you walking around with your bank accounts at your side so everyone spends their lives wondering who has money and who doesn't. Even the people with money want to know who has what.

The Culture of Succes says that whatever you have is enough for you to be successful and that is the image you should put out to the world: confidence garnered from accomplishments already realized.


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