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2005-09-21 - 5:23 p.m.

I just got back from a nap myself. I have something I need to do, like take a break, so I�m just gonna play the dream Ed had here:
It was ancient Rome. Ed was studying under the immortal Socrates. He was not above the mob, however, and was gunned down with a barrage of stones over his gambling debts.
Socrates loved to bet on the underdogs in gladiator battles.
He owed the mob a lot of money.
Or whatever it was called in ancient Rome.
Ed was the new Socrates seeing that he had been his protege for almost ten years.
�But I�m not ready.�
A townsman cried to him.
�But Ed, my wife has made this great cake and I want to eat it too.�
Ed looked at him. Suddenly this job didn�t seem so hard.
�Go ahead and eat it man.�
�Thank you. Thank you, Ed the Great.�
Another question was lobbed at him.
�Ed, what is-�
Ed held his hand up.
�Dude, it�s actually Ed the Great now.�
�So sorry Ed the Great. Ed the Great, what is this dude you spoke of?�
Ed the Great thought about what a dude was. In the back of the plaza, for no reason to be ascertained, Dewey was screaming something at him. Ed was great now so he heard every word.
�Dude is a joke. In Latin joke is said iocus.�
Ed the Great tipped his head toward Dewey for making him look smart.
�But Ed the Great, I was iocusing, I really want to know what the leftover numbers from Pi end in.�
There was a circle of silence around Ed the Great.
�Arcemedes, you only get one question.�
�Ed the Great, I would like to repeat Acremedes question.�
�You can�t.�
�Does Ed the Great not know the answer?�
�No questions about me.�
A roman soldier was standing in front of him.
�Why don�t you get a real job Ed the Great?�


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