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2008-10-16 - 10:57 a.m.

Oliver Stone has made good movies and bad movies. He is a good filmmaker so his bad movies will have good parts and his good movies will have bad parts. He is now the next in line to take a shot at our embattled president, Dubya, with his latest movie, W.

You have to wonder if the last eight years has been worth stealing the election in 2000 for ol' Dubya. It seemed that he fell short but got a nice boost from a Republican Congress and a Bush in charge of Florida at the time.

Of course that is all heresay so I could be on the wrong side of that conclusion.

There is a chance that I could be right too. We can't discount that fact. In fact, I try to write stuff in which I am right. It gives Blinverted credibility and that is incredible if I do write so myself.

Well, Oliver Stone's movie is the latest attack on George Bush. Remember That's My Bush, Comedy Central's first attack on the president created by the creators of South Park (the latest season of that premiered yesterday and Cartman got beat up by a girl with hilarious consequences). That's My Bush was taken off the air after 9/11. Now the men involved with 9/11 were all Saudi Arabians but were labeled as terrorists since there is a connection between the Saudis and the Bushes. There is also a connection to the ruling family of Saudi Arabia and Osama Bin Laden.

Bin Laden was hiding in Afghanistan where the Taliban was in power and the US attacked them after the attacks on 9/11. It was the first step toward the war we are currently in. Bush made a connection between Al Quaida and Iraq, talked about weapons of mass destruction and went ahead with a war that made a lot of his cronies very wealthy.

The disaster in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina would not make any of his cronies any wealthier so that city was left to its own devices and to date, it is still being re-built.

Rolling Stone came out with an issue where they called Bush the worst president ever. Comedy Central came out with Lil' Bush and the president even was nominated for a Rasberry for his true to life performance in Farenheit 9/11.

The economy is crashing and W is asking for more money to fix it because he really has no clue how to fix anything other than throwing money at it so he can make money off of it.

I thought America could survive poor leadership for a scant eight years but things have become much worse.

Oliver Stone is making a movie about W.


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