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2008-07-27 - 6:38 p.m.

I Hope Jack Jones Gets Hit By A Bus

...but how do you really feel?

In my first movie short, Jen X, the character Jack Jones was a bad guy. In Beodog, the character named Jack Jones is an author, thusly, another bad guy but to a much less degree.

Anyway, why would I write such a horribly mean and terribly useless headline?

Well, it is for that movie Beodog that I wrote and directed, under my other name (it's a lot more boring that J. Floyd king)(but more exciting than Blinverted).

Now I usually just find some retread article and throw it on here but this is nothing of the sort. In fact, I was gonna call this

I hope that Jack Jones would just Eat Shit and Die. If I could write any hedline I wanted then I would call this one Hack Writer Doesn't Even Know What A Gyroscope Is Really Used For

Then, I found out I needed to have that headline in my movie so I wrote the other one and then needled them both in because I needed a headline already in existence and scanning that already existing headline into a computer would not be hard and if you are looking for a reason why I needled the second one in then that is simple.

Right here is where I would make a joke about simplicity. Oh yeah, I can feel it coming.

So, I explained that odd title, rambled on about difficult stuff and made a simple joke. All of that only filled half a blog entry? I have heard that Harrison Ford is involved with two more Indy flicks.

As Borat would say: What?

The next one will be better if they have a screenplay for it, it has to be. After what they put on screen this time around, that is not a guarantee. Shia LeBouf is supposedly gonna be involved with a seventh one as the new adventurer/grave robber/teacher. Mummy ripped off the Indiana Jones idea and now Indiana Jones is ripping off the make the kid the new star idea.

You think maybe Indy fights the Scorpion King next?

There is a Futurama marathon about to start on Comedy Central so this crap will have to do.

Thanks for bereading my movie short, that's not said very often.


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