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2005-10-16 - 4:47 a.m.

The Mind Expansion Essay

The correlation between your first memory and your most recent dream are the borders of the mind. With defined borders, the key to mind expansion is a push of those borders. An attempt to push deep into the past to retrieve a deeper first memory while retaining the dreams of your slumber.

Expansion will be seen as forgotten memories all the way to infancy are remembered in a dream from the present.

A mind without borders could conceivably become expanded to a point where death becomes a window to view a life once lived. Thusly, heaven exists as the memories of whimsy while hell is the horrors endured.

With death a window seen through by an expanded mind the term of this realm is reincarnation. Reincarnation is merely seeing through many windows of your own possible pasts.

Of course, is could all be a dream from an entity that is unimaginable.

So mind expansion is really just a deeper understanding of dreams, memories and a loss of the fear of death.


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