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2005-11-26 - 8:56 p.m.

The two arrived to the white, celestial coffeehouse at the same moment. They resided among the other patrons. The whole place was eerily silent as all of the communication took place on a plane of existence where thoughts swim freely for all to hear and share.
Centering upon only the communique between Jeremiah and Peter. Their thoughts will be translated into a decipherable language.
Jeremiah, as the driving force behind the two coming close together, sent his thought first.
�If I could be indulged to partake on a tangent, dear Peter.�
Peter thought that would be fine.
�In lieu of the silence abounding?�
Jeremiah applauded the quip of his chum.
�Jolly good.�
Then he partook upon his tangent.
�My bored eye has been caught by this raunchy new show on the telly.�
Peter felt he could read the impending thought to come. He tried to stifle any such waste of a thought.
�If you are speaking of the show on tornadoes, you may feel obliged to cease yur tangent.�
Jeremiah was appalled. He would never waste time on such a show.
�Why would I subject myself to a show on bloody tornadoes?�
He gave the synopsis of the show on tornadoes next.
�The masses anger the big guy so He pummels. A means to their end.�
Peter felt the tension of his friend grow when his tangent turned into a rant. He lightened the mood with his dry wit.
�A thousand pardons.�
Jeremiah replied with equal wit.
�Consider eight hundred forgiven.�


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