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2005-06-24 - 9:33 a.m.

I went to the mall yesterday. It is hot in Tucson so covered parking is the mirage in all of our hot eyes. I found a spot under an enormous concrete parking structure where my car could be completely enclosed in shade. I was pretty pleased with myself. I was so happy, in fact, that I ended parking badly into a spot next to a thick concrete wall. I could have pulled my car back and straightened it out but in all honesty the thought never crossed my mind. I left my crookedly parked car behind me as I went to a restaurant for happy hour. I really like happy hour. After my power lunch and a couple of purchases in a department store, I am ready to leave the mall. I sit in the car, which is rather cool thanks to all of the shade, and there is a note for me on the windshield. I am instantly leery because I know people do not take time out of their busy lives to write nice notes. Here it is verbatim:

Thanks Alot! learn how to park!

The words on the note were written in an upward angle so this note is from a positive person because it has been proven that depressed people write with their letters going in a downward angle. I also don't think this was a note of true thanks since there was a demand made of me after the kindness of the first part. Unfortunately, for my parking learning disability, there was no mention of possible schooling I could attend to improve my parking problem. I want to get better though and I think that is the first step.


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