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2007-03-05 - 10:58 a.m.

I have this great baseball calendar I got for Christmas. I learned a lot fo neat stuff and now I have a new hero: Al Kaline

The guy had over three thousand hits with a career average of .297. He hit over .300 nine seasons and won a batting title as a batter and a gold glove as an outfielder.

I always thought he was a pitcher because a baseball card I saw once of him he was throwing the ball. He was a prolific ball player for 21 years in the major leagues.

Spring Training is back in Tucson and here's hoping we get rid of the Sox and bring back Cleveland. Here's hoping the Cleveland franchise goes back to be being called the Cleveland Spiders.

Here's hoping the stock market finds its footing this week after a strange week last time around. Here's hoping everyone has a great unbirthday, or birthday if applicable.


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