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2005-09-02 - 4:28 a.m.

Lost at Sea

What if the circles are refundable?
What if there was no island?
What if they were lost before?
And then forevermore
what if?
What if the surface was not disturbed?
the circle can only go one way
as she feels the end of a short stay

Reflections on the surface
on top of the darkness below
the world is out there
connected to the pebbles
forming the beach full of sand
between her delicate toes

Her seclusion shows
alone for so long
after she had done so wrong
what was once right
seen in a changing light
from a different view
one with a skew
through the clouds and the haze
adding to the malaise

To hold life
inside and out
with then without
a charming man
turned primitive lout
a weak woman
forced to be stout
hold death in the same hands
that life once flowed
to cut the seclusion in half
then she heard the insane laugh
and it all comes back
like the crack of a whip
or the speaker of a quip
one that makes her laugh
and it reminds her


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