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2006-02-28 - 9:59 p.m.

The Circles are Nonrefundable


She was the first honest-to-goodness blonde woman he had seen in weeks. Business in Japan does not mean abstinence, it just means banging a lot of Oriental hookers. Her elegant figure begged glances from all the different eyes from all of the different men. She glided down the small aisle of the plane. When she sat down next to him, he silently thanked the wielder of fate. It was a long flight so it was important for him to come on in stages.

Through sedated conversation he acquired her name, hometown and zodiac sign. The span of trivial conversation seemed to continually decrease and the lulls were reached ever quicker.

During one of the lulls, he sat back and closed his eyes. He loved the sensation of flying thousands of feet over the water. He opened his eyes to tell her just that and she smiled but did not agree. Moments slowly passed; he wanted the silence to hold until she broke it this time but the crescendo of awkwardness finally boiled over inside of him.


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