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2005-12-31 - 7:40 p.m.

This has been a great collaboration. Kevin Smokler created Diaryland and so many thinkers have put their thoughts upon it.

I have used it as a venue to talk about stuff that I have written as well as provide excerpts from my works. That has been the most rewarding for me because a story like Lucid, featured this month in this journal, is in a short story collection that I do not even have a timetable for finishing.

I have been able to share poems from Music Lyrics, which is a few years from release. The same is true for 29 Grams, which is a hilarious story that will not be out for awhile. The November story was called The Stigma Circles. That will complete a trilogy. The first two in that trilogy are The Stigma followed by Circles.

This ability given by Kevin Smokler has been one of the perks of 2005. Here's hoping that 2006 is as equally, if not more, perk-filled as 2005.


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