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2005-09-07 - 4:59 p.m.

One Gram

An ounce is twenty-eight grams. Sixteen ounces form a pound. The four boys holding the ages of men in the smoky room had easily ingested a pound of weed each by this point in their lives.
That would make four pounds of weed the world would never see again.
Just the way it goes.
If they could somehow find the constitution to rise above their slacker existences to create something, like, say, maybe a movie, then the wasted four pounds might be worth more than aching lungs to accompany the intermittent coughing.
Dewey just coughed.
Just the way it goes.
Nicholas Benjamin Carlone lives alone in his own room within his mom�s house. He has no job to cut into his smoking time and no ambition to get a job because of all of the uninterrupted smoking. Instead of lamenting what he does not have, it would be nice to mention two of his attributes:
He is a good basketball player.
He possesses an active imagination.
Nick just coughed.
Nick�s older sister also lives in her own room within her mom�s house. She is so attractive that all of his friends pine for her. She is so attractive that Nick uses her to judge all of his girlfriends. None of his friends have ever seen one of Nick�s girlfriends. They think the girlfriends are a part of the active imagination he possesses.
Chuck just coughed.
Dewey met Nick through Chuck.
Just the way it goes.
Nick is about to speak but this story will have no quotation marks because I think another way will look cooler.

Dude, look how big that lighter is through my water.

Chuck has a last name and it is Phillips. When put together it looks like this:
Chuck Phillips. When using that subject in a sentence it looks like this:
Chuck Phillips was not impressed with the size of the lighter through Nick�s glass of water. Chuck lives in a room at his father�s house. He has a nice truck and works his various jobs (now he works for a car emissions service station; they are the busiest at the end of the month which is just the way it goes). Chuck also has an attractive older sister but she is mean to all of his friends because all of his friends are potheads.
Just the way it goes.


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