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2007-04-25 - 8:33 p.m.

What a life we are living. Glenn Beck is gonna tell everyone why Al Gore is full of crap.

But what if Al is right, Glenn? Oh well, global warming will only effect the youth.

I think the planet will be fine. A mining company found a fossilized rain forest 200 feet below the durface of the Earth.

There was no faction to say global warming was going to kill us all 3 million years ago (3,000,000) when that rain forest became fossilized. The Earth will be fine, it is the people who will suffer. It sucks to be sure but what can you do? is a 15 watt bulb really gonna save us?

I am trying, my hosue is entirely low watt. I hope I can save the world.

I have some great news to share. I was invited to a Bourbon tasting contest at a high end steakhouse in Tucson and I am really wasted right now.

Bob McMahon is one of the best businessmen in Tucson and I was able to shake his hand tonight. He was so gracious as he allowed us to taste six of the best Bourbons ever.

You know the limestone in Kentucky is what makes it so appealing to Bourbon. I think by that I mean that Kentucky and Bourbon are like peas and carrots.

I wonder now that I make up my life as I go, what do the elite do when they want to unwind? I was part of it tonight and it was so amazing.

Thanks Bob, for a night my wife and I will never forget.


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