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2007-01-23 - 3:10 p.m.

So I'm making this movie and people ask me how do I want to light it. I had no idea how to answer that so I was told to start watching movies that I like and pay attention to them.

I started with Pulp Fiction and found yet another thing I never noticed before: Richard Nixon was at the door in the amazing Jack Rabbit Slims scene. I wrote a dark screenplay so watching dark movies was the rule.

Every character in Pulp Fiction was half-lit (one side of their face was in shade) except for the lovley Uma Therman, whose face was almost fully lit up. Sleepy Hollow's darkest scene, at the beginning in the jail, saw the faces fully lit. In the bright court room, the faces were half-lit.

It was a good contrast. Tim Burton directed that. He did Beetlejuice too and that dark comedy was lit superbly with a lot of greens to enhance the mood. I watched the comedy Dick because there is an irreverant living room scene that is important in my movie. Being a comedy, I wasn't surprised to see their whole faces lit up.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkebahn had a dark scene in the train with the Dementors that was blue-lit. It was pretty cool when the Dementor tried to pull Harry's soul out of him. The Empire Strikes Back taught me that bass is good. The lighting of the Rebel base grew progressively darker as the day turned to night until the shadows crept in when the doors closed.

I also watched The Last Samauri, Fargo, Batman Begins and even the old school Rockford Files to get ideas as to how to do what the hell it is I want to do.

Oh, and I think I realized what blinverted means:

I think it is the fact that I hate the fact that I love to talk about myself.

Or it could mean something else entirely.


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