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2005-12-22 - 8:38 a.m.

He saw the man in the witness box on a few of the screens before the static took control. Luther always wonders why he did not iron his suit. He thought of him wearing an iron suit next and how the chuckles flew from his lips.
�I didn�t do it!�
Now Luther laughs at the man in the witness box before there is only snow on the screen. He watched the snow cascade across the screen going from the top down to the bottom in an infinite tide. He saw an image of his younger self. He was so free when a child. He ran freely, drank freely, ate freely and knew nothing of the world. One time he ran freely until he ultimately fell freely. He heard the noise his body made upon impact from his memories.
The TV screamed at him in his father�s voice.
�What the fuck are you doing Luther?!�
Luther turned the television off. His father no longer able to use it as a conduit.


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