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2006-03-16 - 10:15 p.m.

imagine a wall with its coarse exterior the rigidity holds firm through the passage of ages imagine trying to see the top of the wall only to see it melt into the whitest of clouds imagine the innocent clouds drifting and the wind blowing to make those white clouds slowly drift across the bluest of skies step back from the wall to admire the flawless red face somehow the red is not as rigid as the coarse exterior imagine the red flows through a spectrum of colors from an almost orange to an almost black losing all track of time seconds to minutes looking at the wall this wall for minutes hours days standing in the long shadow placing a hand on it to guide imagine this wall is an ally on the journey in the lush serenity imagine beginning to walk along the wall imagine this wall guides imagination broken free thoughts flow from the incandescent to grim depths unspeakable walking so long that the sky is no longer blue but a pitch black matching the evil within imagine numerous holes are the hopeless attempt of purity imagine those holes let light leave the exterior of their walls years before to shine in the dark does anyone notice when one of these holes dims out of existence do they feel remorse at the loss felt or revel at the catastrophic aftermath caused from the resounding loss of hope how long has it been extinguished because the light they shone has been traveling for so long that hope might have been dead for a millennia yet it still shines imagine our hole in the sky in the same way and wonder if it has been extinguished unbeknownst yet its light still travels on its journey to guide as the wall guides on journeys more personal imagine looking to the right because looking left at the rigid wall with its flow of colors sent a spiral of thoughts imagine being transported from wherever here is to wherever there was imagine the lush grass shimmering like so many holes in the sky in the light during the day imagine the holes of the night sky seeping through the grass to the ugly dirt through the ugliness beauty is birthed from flowers trees breathe life imagine hearing water babble down a brook imagine noises resembling dogs barking imagine continuing on the journey looking listening feeling smelling walking under the guidance of the wall but staring at the scenery that always surprises in its wonder ignoring the consistent stern rigidity imagine a choice between remaining near the wall or fleeing toward the new stimulus imagine the new stimulus over there and being tired from the trek slowed from the thoughts immersed in the grass looking up at the bluest of skies imagine


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