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2007-01-11 - 10:45 a.m.

One of my favorite quotes from 2006 was from Damon Jones, a guard for the Cleveland Cavaliers basketball team. He sat on the bench for an entire playoff game that went into overtime against the Washington Wizards. In the overtime, he finally got in and made a three-point shot that won the game. After the game, the reporter said that Jones sat on the bench all game then the reporter finally asked how it felt to get into the game at the very end only to be the one to win the game.

"It's all about the opportunities."

I have a quote here from my book Circles. It comes from the story called A Georgian Summer.

"Hell, the pony guy was so old that the kid could have been George W. Bush and the something could have been bad oil investments with other people's money."

It's topical now because our president again went in his own direction in spite of what the American people, and some free thinking advisors, want him to do. It seems like a big political song and dance is looming as the Senate says no and the president says yes and more Americans will die in what is now an Iraqi Civil War.

I'm no expert, you've read it here where I can't even get through a football entry without talking about basketball and Wag the Dog, but the best thing i(I don't even capitolize i all of the time) have heard from experts is that it is hard to fix a civil war militarily.

The way George Bush is ignoring the American people now reminds me of the way the ownership of the New York Giants are ignoring their fans as they bring back embattled coach Tom Coughlin. I like Tom Coughlin, former coach of Boston College and the Jacksonville Jaguars, and am glad the Giants kept him as a passing fan of the team. Truth be told, I only hate three NFL teams: the Ravens, the Steelers and the Cowboys. I am indifferent toward the Houston Texans because I do miss the Houston Oilers. The owners of the Giants are making a mistake, though, by ignoring their fans for a football coach that is 0-2 in the playoffs with the Giants.

Look for some more new stuff soon all over Blinverted. It will be a cavalcade of letters forming words.



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