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2005-09-17 - 6:41 p.m.


They seem to be relaxed. That was a close one. Think before you speak. I just spoke and two stoners almost got institutionalized.
Those are the breaks.
That�s pretty harsh.
They started smoking the marijuana in the pipe. Chuck was telling Nick about one of the jobs he quit. It was a dishwashing job. Chuck ran away from the job one night because he was going to have to work all by himself. When he ran away that meant there were no dishwashers. Must have been a tough night for the restaurant. Chuck was to the point in the story where he was running past the two waiters in the parking lot. Nick spoke for the first time since we came back to these guys.

No, cigarettes. So when I get back to my truck I tear out of there like I just robbed the place.
You see, that�s the exact reason why I don�t get a job.
You have a job now man.
What are you talking about?
We�re making a movie.


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