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2005-12-26 - 8:11 p.m.

Why are all of the rooms the same? Is there more to life than a couch, chair, television and bed? There must be or else why would anyone want to live? People want to live to better themselves and each day is the ultimate test. Luther wants to succeed so badly that he knows it lead to ultimate failure. He does not know why there is a system in place that wants for you to fail. It seems that if everyone within the system fails then it would be the system itself that would be the ultimate failure. Luther Lucid wants to stop thinking in terms of the ultimate and hold ultimate in his hands. He has searched long and hard for ultimate. It is out there. It might be in the static of a television screen. Or it might have been in the womb when he was created. Maybe the ultimate is what makes his nose itch or it is where all of the stars went to.
He remembers a dream where the ultimate wanted him. It hunted him. The ultimate saw him in an open field and there was nowhere to hide. The ultimate rapidly made the space between them, which was as wide as all consciouseness, seem a pygmy of time and space. It was time and space trapped in a small pil. The ultimate was the pill and Luther wanted to swallow it. He wanted to wash it down with Robotussin. He was in the dream now.
He shuddered in his waking life unbeknownst to his own mind.
The ultimate was within his grasp so why did it suddenly scare him?
�What was that?�
Luther swore he heard his father.
There it was again.
�What the fuck are you doing Luther?!�
The furniture is not the same. He has a lamp. It is in his bedroom. But he is not in his bedroom. He is on the ground after falling. The house is son fun that it is fun to play running back on a breakaway run. He tried to jump an ottoman but got his foot caught and hit the ground hard.
His knee hurt pretty bad.
�What the fuck are you doing Luther?!�
The pain was replaced by fear.


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