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2006-03-14 - 8:07 p.m.

Dewey, completely detached from his current surroundings, stared at the other sellers while the tape played. Some of them watched with blank expressions. Some tried to keep from falling asleep. Some caught Dewey looking at them, which caused an awkward moment. One thing Dewey noticed right away was the number of recruits, sellers he corrected himself, had dwindled noticeably from the boot camp they had in Knoxville only five weeks ago. Toward the end the managers came in and all of the sellers, including Dewey, David and Al, fixed their tired gazes toward the TV screen.

Jason spoke to the sellers first. He was the shortest one in the line of managers.

�Okay, now that the tape is over, we have prepared a light snack for all of you. If you want to get something to eat, please give Rob four dollars.�

�The activity for this afternoon is going to Six Flags for some fun!�

Frank used a voice inflection that was supposed to elicit excitement but the sellers only thought about the extra cash they would have to spend. Undeterred, like an amorous rhinoceros, Frank spoke directly to all of the sellers wallets.

�You can get into Six Flags for a reduced price because we are all so proud of all of you.�

Frank still smiled even though it was obvious to him no one was even willing to feign interest at this point of the summer.

�Hey Frank, what if we don�t have any money?�

�How can you not have money, Sam? You have been in the field for awhile now. Remember, you�re not a recruit anymore, you�re a seller now.�

There was a silent groan from all of the sellers. Dewey took this opportunity to further rebel against the communists lording over them all.

�Well, I didn�t bring any money with me so could I go home, er, I mean, back to home base and all?�

�Well Dewey, you are supposed to bring money with you.�

�Well Frank, if I don�t bring any then I can�t spend any. I mean Six Flags would be fun but I need to eat breakfast tomorrow.�

�Look Dewey, I could lend you some money and you could pay me back next week.�

Al and David saw a glint form in Dewey�s eye akin to the breaking of the sun through a thick cloud cover. Dewey spoke with both a mocking tone and smile.
�Instead of me paying you back, why don�t I just give you some of these great books that I am selling.�


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